Everything for Ford Vehicles

Auto salvage, new and used car parts,
auto mechanics, and car service for Ford vehicles

Ford parts

Purchase new, used, and original parts for all Ford vehicles from the year 2002 and onward

Schedule maintanence

Schedule a major service and come to us for vehicle repairs, with the option for our towing service to pick you up if needed


Minor service

Major service

Auto mechanics

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Buy Ford parts 

At our place, you can find new and used parts, as well as
delove kao i originalne
for all Ford vehicles ranging from the year
2002 to 2023

We offer complete sets of replacement parts, oils, everything from the left headlight to the engine 

Utilize our form to search
for your car model, find the part you need,
and organize the purchase
or replacement of auto parts

Schedule service

Schedule major and minor services,
replace specific parts,
such as glass or clutches,
repair the engine,
and repairs 

We create and maintain your
service record to keep track
of what work has been done,
when it was performed, and how
to enhance the lifespan of your vehicle

Towing service

We come to you wherever you are and transport your vehicle to our service for repair

Car dealership

We handle the purchase, sale, and buyback of Ford vehicles up to the year 2002, both new and used

Auto mechanics

We perform all types of repairs, parts replacement, and bodywork refinishing

Solve all your
Ford problems 

Call us for new and used
parts, servicing, towing service,
or trading Ford vehicles